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On the guitar-online.com/en/wp-includes/js/jquery/ page, with a resolution of http://www.google.com.
On the guitar-online.com/en/ page, with a resolution of 393x873PHPSESSID=3ksbd3v9hj4k3d9768dv16in3v.
On the guitar-online.com/it/ page, with a resolution of 320-428PHPSESSID=3ksbd3v9hj4k3d9768dv16in3v.
Download links matching https://ripplescyms.weebly.com/uploads/1/1/4/9/114955845/img-4400_orig.jpeg.
Came from activity for Visitor ID 060B9A1946AA4FDAECEAA2975843480D.
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