
HubSpot Install Guide

Statcounter provides customisable hit counters, visitor tracking, web analytics and website stats for HubSpot.

  1. Sign up for an account at Statcounter to get your code.

    These instructions will be repeated after you've created an account and added your first project.

    Already a member?

  2. Copy the StatCounter code.
  3. In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Website > Website Pages.
  4. Hover over your content and click Edit. 
  5. In the content editor, click the Settings tab, then click Advanced options. 
  6. In the Additional code snippets section, enter your code snippet into the Head HTML or Footer HTML field.
  7. In the top right, click Update to publish your changes.
If it does not work in the Footer HTML please try the Head HTML box..

Get Started

Sign up for a Statcounter account using our HubSpot installation guide.

Try it for FREE!

Already a Member?

You can reinstall HubSpot on your Statcounter project.

Installation Guides A - Z

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