Where can I get an invoice for my payment?

Invoices are available within the BILLING section of your StatCounter account.

Log into your StatCounter account and click the "Account" link in the top navigation bar to access this section.

Credit Card Payments - Realex
An invoice is emailed to the billing contact on the StatCounter account as soon as the transaction is authorized. If there is any problem charging your card, this will be notified by email.

NOTE: Realex has been our credit card processor since May 2008. If you have upgraded or changed upgrade by credit card since that date, then you will be using Realex.

Credit Card Payments - Worldpay
An invoice will be available in your StatCounter account 1-6 days after your payment is made. The invoices are not available immediately as we have to wait to receive the payments file before invoices can be issued.

NOTE: Worldpay is our former credit card processor - we use Realex now for all NEW credit card payments. If you upgraded BEFORE May 2008 by credit card, then your payments will continue to be processed by Worldpay until you cancel or change subscription.

Credit Card Payments - 2Checkout
An invoice will be available in your StatCounter account 2-6 weeks after your payment is made. The invoices are not available immediately as we have to wait to receive the payments file before invoices can be issued.

NOTE: 2Checkout is a former credit card processor for StatCounter and was used for upgrades before 1 March 2005 only. We use Realex now for all NEW credit card payments. If you upgraded BEFORE March 2005 by credit card, then your payments will continue to be processed by 2Checkout until you cancel or change subscription.

Paypal Payments
An invoice will be available in your StatCounter account 4-10 days after your payment is made. The invoices are not available immediately as we have to wait to receive the payments file before invoices can be issued.

Check/Cheque Payments
When you upgrade by Check/Cheque payment, a pro-forma (or temporary) invoice is created in your StatCounter account.

When your payment is received AND processed, the invoice in your account will be marked as final and paid in full.

Due to the time involved in posting, processing and obtaining bank clearance for this type of payment, it can be several weeks before a "final" invoice is available in your account.

Wire Transfer Payments
When you upgrade by Wire Transfer, a pro-forma (or temporary) invoice is created in your StatCounter account.

When your payment is received AND cleared by our bank, the invoice in your account will be marked as final and paid in full.

It is very IMPORTANT to note that it can take 10-14 days for international payments to clear our bank account. Many are cleared in just 3-5 days, but occasionally delays can be experienced.

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