The Blocking Cookie and/or Remember Me features are not working.

Anytime this happens it means our cookies are not being properly saved on your system.

Any of the below could be responsible for your cookie getting destroyed.

1. You logout of your statcounter account. Once blocking cookie is created, you should never logout of your account.

2. Anti-spyware / Anti-virus maybe removing your browser cookie at regular interval.

Make sure the above reasons are not responsible for destroying our cookies. If your visit are still getting recorded then we suggest to follow these steps;-

Fine tune your browser (This steps are for IE browser)

Click "Tools/Internet Options/Security".
1. Move the slider-bar to the lowest setting.
2. Click the "Trusted Sites" icon in the window. Add 'www.statcounter.com".
3. Click the "Restricted Sites" icon. Make sure that www.statcounter.com is not listed.
4. Click the "privacy" tab. Click the "sites" button. Add www.statcounter.com and click the "Allow" button.

And now, finally these steps :

1. Clear browser cookies
2. Reboot Computer
3. Log in statcounter account with remember me checked ON and/or create blocking cookie again.

This should resolve your issue.

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