How to opt-out of targeted/behavioural ads ?

We use advertising to fund the free service we offer. If you upgrade to a paid StatCounter account you have the option to remove all ads.

We use third party services to serve ads on our site such as Rubicon Project and Google Adsense. You may receive cookies from these third party advertisers when using the StatCounter site. To opt-out of targeted/behavioural ads from either of these networks please follow the links below:

You may also use the NAI opt-out tool below to opt-out of targeted/behavioural ads from >90 other participating members.


Please note that opting out of a network does not mean you will no longer see online advertising. Instead, it means that you will no longer see targeted/behavioural advertising (i.e. advertising tailored to your browsing history, preferences and usage patterns) via the network from which you have opted out.

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