How do I install StatCounter using ComfyPage?
- Sign up for a free account at StatCounter and follow the steps to create your first project and generate your StatCounter code.
- If prompted, make sure to choose ComfyPage from the list of Installation Guides.
- Highlight the StatCounter code with your mouse.
- Copy the code by right-clicking and selecting "copy".
- Log in to your ComfyPage site.
- Go to "Site manager".
- Go to "Borders"
- Click on edit "footer".
- Click the embed service button. (This is the grey and yellow icon near the "smiley" icon on the toolbar.) This opens a text box on your screen.
- Paste the code into this box by right-clicking in the empty box and clicking "paste".
- Click OK.
- Don't forget to hit save!
NOTE: You must enter the StatCounter code using the Embed Service Button. Do NOT paste the code into your footer only as this will not work!!
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